Vialetto ortigara 10 Milano Marittima

Hotel Corallo
Milano Marittima
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your hotel in the centre of Milan

Marittima near to the sea



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Milano Marittima centre


The heart of the Riviera, the glamorous and the mundane is located in Milano Marittima. From the hotel to the bathing establishments, the local and the dancing, here the holiday is fashionable and flirty. You can also live a Milano Marittima, quiet and relaxing, a couple or a family with children because the services are modern and comfortable, but those who choose Milano Marittima it does especially for the his life is always in turmoil and theatmosphere of a vip that you can breathe around. This location is also attractive because it is located in agreen area of great natural beauty and cultural heritage, a few kilometers from the Parco del Delta del Po and Ravenna. Milano Marittima is for all, per the lovers of fun and night life that explodes after the sunset in the street bars and nightclubs, for those who want to chase the vip in their summer holidays and for those who want to be the designer shopping. Completely changing the genre, Milano Marittima is also for those who want to immerse themselves in the fascinating nature of the large pine trees that reach the sea, the tranquility of these areas makes them perfect for families and for those looking for a holiday made of peace and relaxation.


The heart of the Riviera, the glamorous and the mundane is located in Milano Marittima. From the hotel to the bathing establishments, the local and the dancing, here the holiday is fashionable and flirty. You can also live a Milano Marittima, quiet and relaxing, a couple or a family with children because the services are modern and comfortable, but those who choose Milano Marittima it does especially for the his life is always in turmoil and theatmosphere of a vip that you can breathe around. This location is also attractive because it is located in agreen area of great natural beauty and cultural heritage, a few kilometers from the Parco del Delta del Po and Ravenna. Milano Marittima is for all, per the lovers of fun and night life that explodes after the sunset in the street bars and nightclubs, for those who want to chase the vip in their summer holidays and for those who want to be the designer shopping. Completely changing the genre, Milano Marittima is also for those who want to immerse themselves in the fascinating nature of the large pine trees that reach the sea, the tranquility of these areas makes them perfect for families and for those looking for a holiday made of peace and relaxation.


What to do

Hotel near the sea

Oltre a crogiolarsi al sole, in spiaggia a Milano Marittima ci sono altre attività che potrete svolgere. Molto rilassante e sana, è la passeggiata sul bagnoasciuga che vi farà scoprire tutti gli stabilimenti balneari, i molteplici ristoranti 'vista mare' e vi permetterà di raggiungere Cervia in costume. Per chi ama il divertimento invece, percorrendo il litorale si farà invogliare dalle svariate possibilità di svolgere sport acquatici, tra cui Sci nautico, Wakeboard e la divertentissima Banana acquatica.


Shopping a Milano Marittima

Se Milano è capitale della moda in Italia, Milano Marittima non è da meno. La piccola località è infatti famosa per lo shopping griffato nelle vie del centro. Nel triangolo di via Romagna, Bologna e Milano si concentrano più di 10 boutique di calzature. La vicina via Matteotti è il regno di Missoni, Prada, Miu Miu e le altre firme dell’alta moda.

The nature of Milano Marittima

Immersa nel verde di una pineta secolare, Milano Marittima è il punto di partenza perfetto per chi vuole vivere una riviera tra mare e natura.​ La Pineta si estende per circa 290 ettari e presenta centinaia combinazioni di sentieri dedicati al running e al cycling, con la presenza di molti attrezzi dedicati all'esercizio delle vostra muscolatura. Caratteristico della Pineta è il suo Parco Naturale dove si avrà la possibilità di entrare in contatto con molteplici specie di animali. Da non perdere, è la mattina al parco CerviaAvventura dove i ragazzi e i più piccoli si potranno dilettare tra pini e abeti in percorsi formati da ponti tibetani, passerelle in legno, ponticelli, funi e carrucole​. Sulla riva del canale, ha sede il Club Canoa Kayak, che oltre a noleggiare i mezzi e organizzare corsi, prevede anche interessanti escursioni guidate in mare e nel canale circondariale delle saline. Molto suggestiva, ad esempio, l’escursione notturna insieme ad un astronomo che spiega le costellazioni ed un esperto forestale che permette di avvistare la fauna notturna​.


Sport in Milano Marittima

Parlando di sport, Milano Marittima ha svariati punti a suo vantaggio. Uno di questi è l’Adriatic Golf Club, un campo da golf molto grande con 27 buche e la possibilità di prendere lezioni con maestri qualificati. Molto famoso è  il Circolo Tennis di Milano Marittima, un club esclusivo dove ogni anno a metà luglio si svolge il Vip Master Tennis, torneo di tennis tra vip.​ Per chi ama il mare invece, al canalino di Milano Marittima, avrà la possibilità di prendere lezioni di velanoleggiare tavole da surf, vele da windserf e i famosissimi pedalò.


Happy Hour

That is to say, known and envied throughout Italy, the Happy Hour of the Papeete Beach is definitely an experience that you will have to try. From 18:00 in the afternoon, then, walking to the centre, life will all street bars and all of the night dedicated to making magic for your aperitif accompanied by music and a rich buffet.


Mare e Spaiggia


Night Life

Just comes down to the evening, you will be spoilt for choice on what to do, in any case, the fun is assured. From a few hundred people in the afternoon, in the evening, the centre of Milano Marittima will go to tens of thousands. For the familglie, the distractions are many: salegiochi, outdoor cinema, mini golf, ski slopes, cars and electric go-kart. For young people it opens a world of fun. The evening will begin in the street bar, to then end up in some of the clubs most famous and exclusive of Italy, including the Pine forest Luxury Hall and Villa Papeete.



A 5-minute bike ride from the Hotel, you will arrive at Cervia, a destination recommended for its beauty and the many activities available. For those who want to try anexperience of pure relaxation, we recommend a day at the Spa. Among the therapeutic treatments that you are running, there are inhalations, irrigations, massages, mud baths and baths, physical therapies and aesthetic treatments. Absolutely worth a visit are the Salt pans, which produce from the most ancient times sea salt that you will feel to call the “White Gold”. For the evening, finally, it is recommended a walk on the channel where you will find a variety of local and restaurants at the edge of water.



For any information on the activities described, please contact us and we will take care of reservations of excursions, guided tours in the parks, discounts for discos etc..

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